Who we Are & What We Do

Fitness World is a cutting-edge functional fitness system that can help everyday men. There is a significant portion of the population here in North America, that actually want and need success to be hard!


Having a baby can be a nerve wracking experience for new parents – not the nine months of pregnancy, I’m talking about after the infant is brought home from the hospital. It’s always the same thing, by the time they have their third child they have it all figured out, but with number one it’s a learning thing.

Baby monitors help you hear your baby’s needs without you having to be in the room with the baby. Some baby monitors are portable, or “mobile” and are small enough that you can carry it in your pocket as you do your daily chores around the house. Depending on your price range it’s best to have a base unit that plugs into the wall. The receiving unit can be like your portable phone, you can carry it around with you, and plug it back into the base unit to be recharged.


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OUR Team experts

Our Team experts can help you discover new training techniques.

Bsiahl Debsharma
- Director of this project
Bishal - Designer
Bishal - Content Writer
Bishal- CEO Of This Company